Our Pastors

Robert and Anne Finegan are serving as the pastors for West Christian Church.

Previously, Robert and Anne served for eleven and half years as pastors for The Branch Christian Fellowship. They have deeply studied scripture together since they were first married. They embrace the full truth of God’s word without ignoring difficult passages or watering down God’s call for people to live obedient and holy lives. Their preaching style is to illuminate God’s word, clearly and succinctly.

Robert earned his bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois-Chicago and his master’s from AGSIM. Anne earned her bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University and her master’s from Loyola University-Chicago.

Robert and Anne, married since 1988, have been blessed with seven children (now adults) and seven grandchildren so far. You might see them out running, biking or rollerblading in their neighborhood, or at the fitness center lifting weights. But more than anything, they enjoy having a good conversation and coming alongside to encourage and guide anyone who desires to seek or grow closer to Jesus. And for anyone wishing to hash out some of the more difficult passages in scripture, Robert and Anne are always more than willing to join in.

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