Service Information

Sundays: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

First-floor Meeting Room, Wingate Hotel
50 Remington Rd. Schaumburg, IL

The first-floor meeting room is located to the right of the lobby as you walk in the front door.

What to Expect

Our services last about one hour and consist of worship, prayer and teaching. Each service opens with a member of the congregation reading a psalm and opening with prayer. (No one is obligated to read or pray publicly if they would rather not.) We follow with worship, communal prayer and then a 20 to 30 minute sermon.

What Should I Wear

At West Christian, what you wear is really up to you. We all have different expectations of what we want to wear to church, so we leave that decision up to you. Come as you like. Be respectful of others. Dress modestly.